Breathe Easy Workshop Started April 28, 2024 You’re ready to it RESET and feel a major transformation in body and mind. >Breathe fully and reset your breathwork to experience your complete lung capacity. >Ease away stress, tension, aches and pains. >Massage away stubborn tension using our guided massage techniques and props from top instructors (we promise!). >Increase mobility and release emotions
6 Weeks of Yoga and Meditation to Reach The Best State of You Started July 26, 2021 You’re ready for a change and we’re here to help you >Calm the body and mind and get a better sleep! >Breathe fully and reset your breathwork to experience your complete lung capacity >Meditate and ease away stress, tension, aches and pains. >Massage away stubborn neck and shoulder tension using our guided massage techniques
Coregeous Tune Up Workshop – Release Core and Low Back Pain Started February 24, 2019 Overcome lower back pain, core and abdominal weakness caused by underuse, over-training, injury, or scar tissue. These 7 specialized routines that we will work through in this workshop will help restore facility and function to your entire torso and back by improving biomechanics, mobility, and stability to the multiple tissues surrounding, supporting and enveloping your spine and core.
Yoga Tune Up Selfcare Workshop – Front of Body Started January 27, 2019 The talented Julie Fasan will be teaching a unique Yoga Tune-Up Self Care workshop that will give you the tools you need to focus on an a regular at-home practice that relieves stress, tension, and pain. If you suffer from stiff or sore hips, back, shoulders, tight cafe muscles and arthritis , this workshop
Yoga Tune Up Workshop – Back of Body Started January 20, 2019 Yoga Tune Up Selfcare Workshop – Back of Body The amazing and kind soul Julie Fasan will be teaching a unique Yoga Tune-Up Self Care workshop that will give you the tools you need to focus on an a regular at-home practice that relieves stress, tension, and pain — in conjunction with your regular