Power Flow Started September 24, 2018 ADVANCED // You’ve mastered downward dog and chatarunga and you’re ready to take it to the next level! Get ready to power up, break a sweat and detox head-to-toe. This 60 minute power yoga class aims to give you a full-body workout by pushing you to find greater strength, flexibility, and stamina. You will find
Detox Flow Started September 24, 2018 ADVANCED // You’ve mastered downward dog and chatarunga and you’re ready to take it to the next level! Get ready to power up, break a sweat and detox head-to-toe. This yoga flow consists of many forward folds, deeper shoulder and arm openers, deeper back bends and hip openers. Head-to-toe, every part of the body is
Yin Yang Started September 24, 2018 ADVANCED // You’ve mastered downward dog and chatarunga and you’re ready to take it to the next level! Get ready to power up, break a sweat and detox head-to-toe. Maximize your strength and flexibility – the best of both worlds! We begin the first half of the class by warming the body with active poses