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Forest Bathing: Destress in Nature

Forest Bathing: Destress in Nature

When’s the last time you hung out with a tree? At Barefoot Naturals, we love spending quality time with nature. Whether it’s hiking in the fall, snowshoeing in the winter or cannon-bombing off the dock at the cottage in summer. But did you know there’s scientific proof that being in nature provides awesome benefits to our health?  

In Japan shinrin yoku or ‘forest bathing’ is a form of preventative medicine. The term refers to spending time relaxing in nature. Scientific studies have shown measurable benefits to this practice, including reduced stress, improved mood and focus, increased energy and better sleep. The shinrin-yoku.org site provides more information and instructions on how to practice shinrin-yoku to get the fullest benefits.

In his blog post, Nature calms the brain and heals the body, David Suzuki discusses the down-side of city-living and details the research surrounding nature’s healing properties. There are many reasons the forest can benefit our health.

  • Nature helps the brain slow down and recover. We’re used to never-ending distractions. We’re being pulled in several directions at once, with constant stimulation from our phones and screens.
  • Japanese scientists found that inhaling beneficial bacteria in nature could actually boost our immune system and prevent more serious illnesses.

Hug some trees and cuddle with some moss, but don’t wait to get outside! If you need some motivation, consider joining the 30X30 nature challenge this spring.

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